Subject: CDW: v3.10 CD Wizard Player Author: Brett McDonald Uploaded By: SidB1 Date: 9/9/1995 File: CDW310.ZIP (186470 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 79 Equipment: 386+ and CD ROM Drive Needs: An UnZIPing program & Windows 3.1 Keywords: McDonald, BFM, CDROM, CD-ROM, Audio, Redbook, Music, WinCD, Top Picks, Windows, Win31 Type: Shareware Reviewed in Hi-Tech Notes. CD Wizzard is an audio CD player written for Windows 3.1. CD Wizzard is as easy to use as a home CD player. It requires a CD-ROM device to play music CDs. CD Wizzard is a complete implementation of a home CD player. Included are buttons for play, pause, scan, stop, eject, track reverse, reverse skip, forward skip, and track forward. It allows fast forward and reverse modes and a real-time display of track number and time. The look and feel of the window can be customized by the user. An A/B function allows a section of a disc to be replayed. "A CD Player can have only a given number of features right? WRONG!", Window Online #39 Steven Cohen CD Wizzard is fast and does not slow your system down like other Visual Basic CD Players. The icon also displays the track time and track number in real-time. The icon can be set to be always on top. The icon can be single clicked to conveniently pause or resume the current CD. The program will also go into small mode. In small mode CD Wizzard will take up very little screen space but most functions are still available. An output meter will display a graph of the music currently being played. The output meter is also on the small mode. The volume of the CD-ROM can be controlled from the main window and small mode. A status bar displays the current status of the CD player and gives quick help on areas of the window. A shuffle mode can be used to play tracks randomly. A prog